Given a great variety of local dialects (and small languages) in Italy, should we allow questions about a specific way of saying things?
If a question appears about lu sicilianu (Sicilian language) or sardu (Sardinian language), how should we handle it? Should we answer as in the English cases (British English vs. American English)? Or should we limit the questions only to standard Italian?
For example, what should we do if a newbie appears, asking about something he/she has heard yesterday at the Catania fish market and truly believing it was Italian? So, he/she wouldn't ask for translation (which would be immediately off-topic) but rather for an explanation that couldn't be found in a dictionary. Do we wait until somebody from Catania comes to give an answer? Do we close such questions right away as off-topic? Do we explain first that it's another language? Do we suggest where to go in searches for an answer?
NB (after some discussions in the comments below): I do not advocate for answering the dialects questions. I'm just suggesting to define here a good practice regarding such questions.