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5 votes

Una domanda da due mesi fa con i commenti e le risposte da quattro anni fa?

This happens because there were two questions, one from December 2013 and another one posted recently, which were asking about the same topic and which had some answers, so we decided to merge them in ...
Charo's user avatar
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5 votes

Clickbait question and rejected edit

Non ritengo che ci sia pubblicitĂ  occulta, ma non capisco il senso di citare il nome della petizione del titolo. La domanda riguarda una parola che indichi un certo fenomeno, indipendentemente da ...
DaG's user avatar
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4 votes

Is this question on mathematical notation on topic?

I admit that maybe this should be written in a more explicit way in the body of the question, but I've always interpreted that question as asking something like "has the letter q used for the y-...
Charo's user avatar
  • 39k

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