As a moderator, I sometimes find myself in the position of having to evaluate whether to edit or not a question/answer for added noise which is useless from the information point of view.
I am referring in particular to those sentences which pertain to the users' abilities/when user asks for help/when suggestions are made. See for instance
The user says he is not sure about the usage of a word and he gets a correction/suggestion from another user, learning he was right. In such cases, I would be tempted to delete the last part of the question (the PS) and the comments commenting on it, because it has nothing to do with the question itself. The idea would be contributing to the overall quality of a post and eliminating all useless stuff. Of course, I am talking about resolved issues/finished discussions, not ongoing things.
On the other hand though, I feel like intruding people's things and I wouldn't want to be offensive.
This all starts to be relevant because of the growing number of users/questions/answers (which is great!).
What does the community think about this?