This site has surfaced several back-to-back meta posts written only in Italian. It's an understandable tendency, since your focus is Italian Language, but this creates some problems. The Stack Exchange Team (of which I am a member) asks that instead, you do one of two things.
Only post on meta in English or...
Post in Italian, but commit as a community to translating every post into English in short order
The community needs to come to consensus about which approach to adopt, but it'll need to be one of the two.
Why does every meta post need to be available in English?
Our baseline goal for every SE site is...You can be reasonably sure that your question will get a good answer.
A Q&A site isn't worth much if you can't expect that, right? Stack Exchange is English-speaking by default. We've made a couple forays into Stack Overflow in other languages and when doing so, the team carefully develops infrastructure so the site meets this basic goal.
One can't flip language support for a community on and off like a light switch without stifling lots of folks ability to understand and participate. We need everyone's contributions to uphold the first principle of "we want to all-but-guarantee good answers". So please, help us uphold these standards.