From the FAQ (which, by the way, is currently at -1505 reputation):
Q13: How does this apply to languages other than English?
For now, while the intent of being inclusive and respectful of all gender identities applies to all our communities, the specific requirements around pronoun usage apply only to English language sites. As we determine best practices in other languages, we’ll work with those communities and update guidance for those languages.
Quindi c'è la possibilità che in futuro saremo anche noi tutt* obbligat* a usare un linguaggio gender-neutral.
In Italian, the traditional standard practice is using masculine forms as 'generic' in the plural (saremo tutti obbligati), and double forms with a slash (obbligato/a, which, formally, implies a sort of binariness) in the singular, but their more direct analogues in English are explicitly disallowed by the FAQs (Q9, Q16).
So it is very well possible that we will be forced to use more 'inclusive' versions such as obbligat*, even if one thinks that they are ungrammatical (Q10). And, as you know, this site is partly targeted to people that are fussy with Italian grammar. :)