So this is half a rant, half a poll and half an exhortation.
As you can see from the users page, most people in this site do not vote (EDIT: the page shows only the people with more than 10 votes, thanks @AndrewT). I do realize that those people likely to frequent meta are exactly those five that do vote (with the exception of PeterJ) but I'm going to try to write this anyway.
This site can work only if we, as a community, produce content and evaluate it. If a new user see their answer welcomed by crickets chirping, will they return to the site? Probably not.
By all means keep answering the questions: we seem to have a pretty solid team doing that. And do keep to ask questions: that is hard, and we need more questions. But if we do not vote, people will stop trying. After all, what's the point of answering questions if no one cares about your answer?
Now, everyone is free to distribute their votes as they see fit. This is, after all, the point. However I would like to understand the motivations of those who do not vote, or only vote a little bit:
Q If you do not vote, or do not vote much, why do you do that? Is it because you feel it's necessary to maintain site standards? Is it because you vote only questions that pique your curiosity? Is it something else?